Articles by: Nicholas Copeland
As national protests call for the resignation of the president and Congress, many organizations have a bigger demand: transforming the violent foundations of Guatemalan democracy.
Mientras las protestas nacionales piden la renuncia del presidente y el Congreso, muchas organizaciones tienen una demanda mayor: transformar los fundamentos violentos de la democracia guatemalteca.
En Centroamérica, abordar las causas profundas de la inmigración requiere una reversión de la política exterior destructiva de EE. UU. a favor del desarrollo redistributivo y ecológicamente sostenible.
Los eventos de los últimos meses demuestran como la Mina Escobal intenta a manipular con la complicidad de instituciones corruptas del estado.
A recent report and response demonstrate how the Escobal Mine attempts to manipulate the public with the complicity of corrupt state institutions.
As the Guatemalan state backs out of court-ordered consultations and intensifies repression of territorial defenders, communities turn to independent research and analysis to strengthen the right to consultation on their own terms.
Securing the “rule of law” and purging corrupt politicians will not suffice—only structural transformation (i.e. redistribution) will address the roots of Guatemala’s democratic malaise.